Long Time, No Posts

Apparently it’s been about 2 years since I’ve last posted on this site. A good part of the reason for that is that the past two years have probably been the worst in my life. I got divorced from the love of my life and lost my mother all in the same time period. In fact I moved into my own house (rented) in Hillsdale exactly two weeks after my mother’s funeral. Needless to say it’s been quite a journey and I’m just now starting to feel like I’ve woken up from a long slumber.

Part of what I’ve been doing lately is attempting to start to write again. I started about 4 different books, most of which have been running in my head for a long time, but haven’t made much progress on any of them except putting down a few pages, or in the instance of one just putting down an outline. I’ve been using Google Drive and even have one file called “Thoughts” where i’ve just been putting down anything I’m thinking about at that moment. Tonight i was about to open that file when it occured to me that I have this blog and that I should start using it again.

It’s pretty late (12:58am as I type this) and my mind is a bit exhausted tonight. I got home from work early and took a nice, long needed nap. When I woke up I decided to go out and get some food as I didn’t defrost anything and everything in my freezer i could could had carbs (pasta or rice) in it. I should mention that since my posts two years ago I put back all the weight on that I lost with Bessie. I’m currently trying to get back into that so I headed out to, of all places, KFC. Yes, fast food. But that’s not actually so bad … i got four small pieces of grilled chicken and no sides, with some water. So pretty good, right?

Here’s how my night went after eating, in list form:

  1. Classical Concert in the Park: Decided to go to the evil starbucks to sit outside and read up on Bernie Sanders. On the drive over i noticed that there was an event going on in the park by the train station. I parked and walked over to a nice classical music concert. I took in two songs and went over for an iced coffee at the evil empire.
  2. Bernie Sanders Research: Sat down outside and read up on Bernie as planned. I’m not really sure how I feel about Bernie or voting for him. I like most of what I can see of his policies, but does he have a shot to take the white house? Does Hillary have a shot? I’m going to keep an open mind about this for now.
  3. TED Talks: Came home and watched, for the first time, 3 TED talks:
    1. The first was about education and creativity
    2. The second was about finding and researching exoplanets
    3. The third was about surfing in remote, ice cold waters
  4. Free Online Education: Began researching free, online MBA programs. First I read about “University of the People” and on their website the founder had another TED talk (coincidental that I just watched my first 3 tonight and here was another one). So I watched that and it was very cool, but for now that “free” university only has undergrad courses. FYI, though free you still pay a $50 application fee and $100 / final exam so if you enrolled it would still cost $1000 / year. Not as expensive as brick and mortart institutions, but still not totally free. Anyway they don’t have masters programs and I didn’t find much else worth enrolling in.
  5. Economics 101: As I’m really interested in an MBA, I got on Youtube and found this pretty cool series of videos called CrashCourse where there’s something like 40 episodes on Economics. I watched the first two before realizing I was exhausted and needed to go to bed.

Anyway, that’s how I spent my night … at least it was fruitful and i didn’t spend all night watching TV. I hope that this is just the first of many more posts. Good Night!

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2 responses to “Long Time, No Posts”

  1. Michael says :

    Yeah, I’ve watched a couple TED talks, also have a podcast which is good for the car! and MBA — wow impressive!

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